Sunday, January 2, 2011

What is expected.....

Attendance Policy:
Class begins promptly at noon. Please be on time.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class session. Your class attendance is central to your learning process and to your success in the course. It is expected that you will attend regularly and be punctual. Everyone will value this courtesy to the group. Group demonstrations and lectures, roving critiques, tutorials, and discussions will be scheduled for many class periods. Ceramic Sculpture is an exacting endeavor. The ceramic process is one which cannot be rushed or neglected without consequences. Sculptural clay works often require an indirect process, where pre-planning the project is the first step in making a successful art work. Information will be given during specified class periods to show a variety of techniques; new and diverse options. Students who are absent due to illness should contact me at 273-3083 or via e-mail at If you see a doctor, please bring an official excuse and this will be noted. More than three absences will result in a grade drop. However, please do not assume that three absences are allotted as part of the course.

The university recognizes the right of the individual professor to make attendance mandatory. After due warning, professors may prohibit further attendance and subsequently assign a failing grade for excessive absences. Students are responsible for satisfying all academic objectives as defined by the instructor. Students who do not attend at least one of the first two class meetings of a course or laboratory in which they are registered, and who have not contacted the department to indicate their intent, may be dropped from the course.

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