Sunday, January 2, 2011

Project #1 Sectional Plaster Molds: for slipcasting or press-molding

 Objective: To use the sculptural models created for project #2 to produce three or four sectional plaster molds, either for slip-casting or press molding to create the final sculptures. These molds are to be well designed and to exhibit craftsman-like mold-making. The processes you will use to section the sculptural form, define and create a separating plane and keys will be taught through sequenced class demonstrations. Making a mold is like thinking inside out or about a three dimensional puzzle. The technical reading that follows is required for it will explain how to make a sectional mold and will supplement the demonstrations and technical discussions.

Supporting Technical Reading:

“Plaster Mold and Model Making”, authors Chaney and Skee
Chapters 1-2
Chapters 3-4
Chapters 5-6
“Mold Making for Ceramics, author Donald Frith
Chapter 19

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