Sunday, January 2, 2011

Research: Texts, Periodicals, the Web

Texts and Reading List:
The technical text book for the course titled “Plaster Mold and Model Making”, authors Chaney and Skee is on room reserve at the Fine Arts and Architecture Library. It may also be found on line through used books. A technical course packet is required and will be listed and available under Art 3768 C at Target Copy located at 1412 W. University Avenue. Additional reading is required for each assignment and those chapters will be on reserve in the Fine Arts and Architecture Library under the course number and my name. It is expected that you use the reading materials regardless of in-class coverage. They are required to build your expertise and to aid in your technical and conceptual growth.

I would also suggest two new books which appeared on the market in this spring of 2000. They are from A&C Black’s Ceramic Handbook Series: “Large-Scale Ceramics”, author Jim Robison ($26.00), and “Mould Making”, author John Colclough ($21.95).

Required reading:
Project #1 – “Plaster Mold and Model Making”, Chapters 1 through 6 and “Mold Making for Ceramics”, author Donald Frith, Chapter 19

Required reading:
Project #3 – “Handbook of Sculpture Recipes”

Required readings:
Project #4 –
“Confrontational Clay”, a catalogue essay by Judith Schwartz
“Post Modern Ceramics”, author Mark Del Vecchio, Chapter 12, “Post Industrialism”

Suggested reading:
“The Decline and Fall and Magical Resurrection of the Body”, an essay by Donald Kuspit (this will be copied and placed in the library for your access.)

Other Technical and Historical Resources - "Sculpting Clay", By Leon Nigrosh, "Images in Clay Sculpture", by Charolette F. Speight, "Sculptural Ceramics", by Ian Gregory, "Plaster Mold and Model Making", by Charles Chaney and Stanley Skee, "Moldmaking", by Donald Frith, "PaperClay for Ceramic Sculptors; Studio Companion", by Rosette Gault, U.S. Gypsum Industrial Plasters & Gypsum Cements", "An Atlas of Anatomy For Artists", by Fritz Schider, "Low-fire Ceramics", by Susan Wechsler, and "Modelling the Head in Clay", by Bruno Lucchesi, and "Modelling the Figure in Clay", also by Lucchesi. Two videotapes will be used as informational resources in the classroom: "Sculpting the Portrait: Male Head in Terra Cotta", and "Sculpting the Reclining Figure". Both films document the methods used by sculptor Bruno Lucchesi.

Periodicals - American Ceramics, Ceramics Art and Perception, Sculpture, Ceramics Monthly, Studio Potter, Ceramics: Technical. All of the following magazines have very interesting ideas and information pertaining to sculpture.

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