Sunday, January 2, 2011

Topical Course Outline

Week 1 –
Wednesday January 5 - Course Overview, Assign Project #1 and Project #2
Homework: Drawings or maquette for Project #2, set up studio, buy supplies, pay clay fee
Reading Assignment: “Plaster Mold and Model Making”, authors Chaney and Skee
Chapters 1-2

Week 2 –
Monday January 10 – Power Point Image Presentation/Chess, Mold-making Demo with image presentation
Homework: Project #2, Select smooth clay to use and begin forming models from which to take molds
Reading Assignment: “Plaster Mold and Model Making”, authors Chaney and Skee
Chapters 3-4

Wednesday January 12 – Individual Meetings to discuss concepts and designs for Project #2
Homework: Make models
Reading: “Plaster Mold and Model Making”, authors Chaney and Skee,Chapters 5-6
“Mold Making for Ceramics, author Donald Frith - Chapter 19

Week 3 –
Monday January 17 - MLK Holiday - No Classes
Homework: Make models

Wednesday January 19 - Mold-making Demos: Building separating planes, Cast section, cut keys, apply separating agent
Homework: Cast first section of your first mold
- cut keys
- build separating plane 2
- bring Vaseline or mold soap

Friday January 21 - Nan presents Workshop for Miami Ceramics League

Week 4 –
Monday January 24 – Studio Work Day Nan presents Workshop for Miami Ceramics League
*** GTA or Ray will help you with mold making
Homework: Start second mold

Wednesday January 26 –, Mold-making Demos: Press-molding and Slip-casting
Homework: Complete Second mold

Week 5 -
Monday January 31 - Demo: Cleaning up your form, Studio Day: Start mold 3
Homework: Start third mold, make test tiles (75 in all)

Wednesday February 2 - Studio Day: Make tile chess board (consider using Nan’s sculpture clay or adding grog to your clay recipe for the ceramic tiled chess board
Homework: Complete third mold, make test tiles

Week 6-
Monday February 7 – Studio Day: Build or cast
Homework: Building or cast, make test tiles

Wednesday February 9 - Studio Day: Build or cast
Homework: Building or cast

Week 7 –
Monday February 14 (Happy Valentine’s Day)– Load Bisque Kilns for Test Tiles
Homework: Finish Building
Tuesday February 15 – Fire bisque kilns

Wednesday February 16 – Unload Bisque Kilns, Assign Project #3 - Discuss the three rounds of glaze testing to be done, Assign 4 glazes to each student, Sign up for kilns WORKDAY (Project #2 Bisque as they dry)

Week 8 -
Monday February 21 - Load Bisque Kiln to fire test tiles and dry chess pieces, WORKDAY (Project #2)

Homework: Mix 4 test glazes for Monday’s kiln, continue slip casting Project #2

Tuesday February 22 – Fire Bisque Kiln
Wednesday February 23 – Unload Bisque Kiln

Week 9 –
Monday February 28 – Load Glaze Kiln for 4 Base glaze tests, WORKDAY (Project #2)

Homework: Continue slip casting Project #2

Tuesday March 1– Fire Glaze Kiln for first round of test tiles

Wednesday March 2 – Unload Glaze Kiln and Discuss Glaze Test Results, Assign Color Run Glaze Tests and Line Blend Tests, Last WORKDAY (Project #2)

Week 10 – Spring Break****************************************************************************************

Monday March 7 – Homework –Color Run Glaze tests
Wednesday March 9 - Homework –Line Blend Glaze tests

Week #11
Monday March 14 -.Load Glaze Kiln (color runs and line blends), Assign Project Project #4/Image Presentation Studio Workday to finish #2 and #3 - glaze testing.
Homework- Complete Project #2 by Wednesday the artwork will be crited at the end of the semester.

Wednesday March 16 - Discuss Glaze results – Color Runs and Line Blends results,
Load Bisque for Project #2, Individual Meetings –Project #4
Homework: Build Project #4, Fire Bisque kiln

Thursday March 17 – Fire Bisque for Project #2

Friday March 18 – Unload Bisque kiln Project #2

Week #12 –
Monday March 21 – Studio Day: Build #4
Homework: Homework: Build #4, Glaze Project #2

Wednesday March 23 – Studio Day: Build #4
Thursday March 24 – Nan in Tampa Installing Resonance fire glaze kiln
Friday March 25 – Nan in Tampa Installing Resonance Unload glaze kiln

Week #13 – UF NCECA Pre-Conference and NCECA Conference (Nan away at national conference W, Th, F, S)
Monday March 27 – UF NCECA Pre-Conference Workshops/ Attendance of one workshop required. This should be done during class time. You are invited to attend the evening lectures and openings.

Wednesday March 29- NCECA Conference Studio Day: Load Optional Glaze Test Kiln
Thursday March 30 – NCECA Conference Fire kilns
Friday April 1 – NCECA Conference Unload kilns

Week #14
Monday April 4- Individual Mtgs: Color Discussions and Airbrush Demo for Project #4,
Tuesday April 5 – Nan in Tampa De-installing Resonance

Wednesday April 6- Last Day to work on Project #4
Homework: Glaze Project #2
Thursday April 7 – Glaze Project #2
Friday April 8 – Load Glaze Kilns Project #2
Saturday – Fire Glaze Kilns Project #2

Week #15
Monday April 11 – Unload glaze kilns Project #2 – Load Bisque #4
Tuesday April 12 – Fire Bisque #4
Wednesday April 13 – Unload Bisque and Glaze Project #4
Thursday April 14 – Load Glaze #4
Friday April 15 – Fire Glaze #4
Saturday April 16 – Unload Glaze #4

Week #16
Monday April 18 – Final Critiques/Project #2 with molds/ class clean up assignments

Wednesday April - Final Critiques/ Project #4 with glaze tests ---last day of classes/Party
Classes End

Thursday April 21 and Friday April 22 – Reading Days

April 23, 25-29 – Finals Week

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